Best Of 2013

GARD Pro Not Registered

It is already half way through January (can you believe it already guys?) but I thought I would do a “best of” blog post about my first six months of blogging  in 2013.  This will give new readers a chance to see what I have been blogging about and what recipes I have come up with, but I want to share my top 10 based on popularity with readers and my personal favourites.  Here we go!

1.  My first blog post – This shouldn’t necessarily be on my best of, because of course over the last 6 months I have improved a lot on my writing and photography.  That being said, it is the post that started it all and I’m proud of it.  Plus this kale and quinoa salad was really tasty!

2.  Juicing 101 – When Heather and I got a juicer for a wedding present, we were psyched to start using it.  Man have we learned a lot!  This blog post was a good introduction out there to anyone who wanted to start juicing and wanted some tips.

3.  Healthy Fish Tacos – I had made these at our friends house one night, and it got rave reviews.  I love fish tacos so this post is definitely in my top 10.

4.  Super Foods Part 1 – I currently have 4 parts to this little series of educational posts.  I wanted to share with my fellow blog readers about how these foods shouldn’t be treated as rare and the cure for everything.  Rather many natural foods have health properties which makes them “super” in their own way.  Eating these foods more often in balance helps to create a better quality of life.

5.  Gluten Free Turkey Noodle Soup – I’m really proud of this recipe for a few reasons.  It helped Heather with a cold, it was the first food picture I took that I was really proud of, and it got pinned a few times on Pinterest.  Check out the pin here.

6.  Smoothies, Juice, and Shakes, Oh My – My Smoothie and Juicing E-book will be released in the next few weeks and this was the post that gave you, my fantastic readers a taste of things to come.

7.  Reviews of Different Knives – This blog post definitely didn’t have much to do with healthy food.  If you are going to do a lot of cooking in the kitchen, you need a good set of knives.  Cooking healthy is better with all your fingers attached!

8.  Where Do You Start? – As I have talked about before, it can be terribly overwhelming searching the internet for tips to living a healthier life.  This blog post helps you to break it down.

9.  Cranberry Coconut Steel Cut Oatmeal – I liked this recipe as it was a great way to use up leftover cranberry sauce and mandarin oranges after the Christmas season.  It was really filling too.

10.  My first Vegetarian Recipe – Using a zucchini as the noodles for this tofu pasta dish worked out really well.

Well I hope this helps my new fans (and old) get acquainted with some of my best blog posts from the past year.  2014 is shaping up to be an even better  year, with more subscribers, 2 E-books on the way, and working on some YouTube videos.

GARD Pro Not Registered

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