Hey guys!
My names Matt and I want to welcome you to Fresh Menu Planner.
A little background on me; I am a classically trained Red Seal chef who graduated from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology back in 2005 (Holy Cow that feels like a long time ago!) I’ve been all over the culinary industry and have called it my home for over 15 years. I have been everything from, Sous chef, Chef, Front of House Manager, and of course dishwasher. I think you’ll learn a lot about yourself if you try your hand at dishwashing. Trust me give it a try!
I originally started this blog as a culinary outlet that didn’t involve me spending 16 hours a day in a hot kitchen, but a few years ago my wife Heather had started getting incredible pain in her back fairly often. We would spend hours in separate trips to the emergency rooms and didn’t really get any answers. One day one of the doctors asked if we had ever considered kidney issues. We hadn’t but through a lot of testing later we found that Heather was prone to crystals and kidney stones.
What baffled me were the things on the low oxalate and kidney stone list that she wasn’t supposed to eat. Almonds, raspberries and spinach just being a few of them!
I started creating low oxalate recipes and a lot of people were mentioning they too suffered from kidney stones and needed a solution. I created the kidney stone meal program to help people in the kitchen cook tasty meals that hopefully can mitigate some of the issues they may be facing, and also simplify their lives a bit!
I currently live in Calgary, Canada with my wife, two kids (Henry and Salinger) and three cats!
Thanks for stopping by and hope to hear from you soon!
Keep It Fresh!
Do you use the oxalate list produced by Harvard Medical School in 2002? I have heard it is the most successful in practice. If you don’t use this one, which one do you use?
Hi Lana! Yes I do use the Harvard list! Still seems to be the best one! Thanks for stopping by!